禁煙会誌 第2巻第6号 2007年8月1日


《原著論文》 動機づけ面接をとりいれた禁煙指導の客観的臨床能力試験
《原著論文》 精神障害者におけるニコチン依存症管理下の短期禁煙治療成績
Mark Gibbens
《記 録》 日本禁煙学会の対外活動記録(2007年6・7月)
日本禁煙学会雑誌第2巻第6号 2007年8月


福井大学医学部附属病院 総合診療部 酒井 哲夫


 日常診療における禁煙指導を簡便に行う方法として、各種ガイドラインで5Aアプローチ(ASK、ADVISE、ASSESS、ASSIST、ARRANGE)が提唱されている。しかしながら、禁煙を希望しない無関心期の患者に「ADVISE」として禁煙の必要性を説いても、抵抗が強く指導を拒絶される場合も少なくない。このため、カナダ癌学会の「One Step at a Time」プログラムでは、喫煙者の気持ちを理解するように努力することが重要視されている。筆者らは「One Step at a Time」プログラムで使用される小冊子を翻訳し1)日常診療で活用しているが、さらに、行動の変化を促していくためのコミュニケーション技法を加えることで、患者の抵抗をより効果的に回避しうる感触を得ている。欧米諸国で薬物依存症の治療に汎用されている動機づけ面接(Motivational Interviewing; 以下MI)は、MillerとRollnickがアルコール依存症の臨床研究から考案した面接技法である2)。日本で唯一のMI国際トレーナーでありアルコール依存症、薬物依存症の診療にMIを実践している国立病院機構菊池病院の原井宏明によれば、MIは「患者がアンビバレンス (両価性; 一つの心の中に相反する感情や思考が併存すること)を探り解消していくことを援助することで行動変容を引き出す目的志向的かつ患者中心のカウンセリングスタイル」と定義される3)。また原井は、MIのスピリット(基本理念)を「患者と治療者の共同作業」「『させる』のではなく『するようにひきだす』」「自律を尊重する」の三点としている4)
 筆者は2006年に原井らの主催するワークショップでMIを学んだが、薬物依存症の一つであるニコチン依存症にも応用可能であることが推定できたので、以来、禁煙指導や禁煙指導者育成にMI導入を試みてきた。本論において、禁煙したくない人とのコミュニケーション能力をトレーニングする必要があるかどうかを調べるために、MIに準拠して作成した禁煙指導評価表を、研修医の客観的臨床能力試験(Objective Structured Clinical Examination; 以下OSCE)に用いたのでその結果を報告する。

 模擬患者役(standardized patient, 以下SP)について。教育学部の教官が参加した。医学生の共用OSCEでのSPをされたことがあり、以前喫煙していた方である。詳しいシナリオ(表1)は事前にSPに渡してある。
 実際の評価の注意点を評価表(表2)に沿ってのべる。オープニングでは5)にあるようにタバコを話題にしていいのかを必ず確認する。医学的情報では6)7)8)にタバコが好きな理由、9)10)11)にタバコで気になることを聞き出せたか確認する。最後に12)で禁煙したい気持ちがどれくらいか確認する。コミニュケーション内容は動機づけ面接に準じた。動機づけ面接のスキルで最も重要なOARS method2) 3)を15)16)17)18)として挙げてある。
 Open questionsは開かれた質問である。「どのように」「他には」と言った開放型の質問がほとんどになるようにする。閉鎖型の質問が多ければ減点していく。
 Reflective Listeningは聞き返しである。相手の判断のフレームを理解することを求め、それを聞き返しによって行う。聞き返しは数多く使う。単純な聞き返しとして、繰り返し、言い直す、言い換える、気持ちの聞き返しなどがある。同情したりなだめたりが多いときは減点していく。

6: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが全くなし。 合格 ( 満点 )
5: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが全くなし。 合格 (25点~)
4: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが全くなし。 合格 (20点~)
3: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが一つある。 境界 (15点~)
2: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが二つ以上ある。 不合格 (10点~)
1: MIのスピリットに反するようなことが二つ以上ある。 不合格 ( 5点~)


 境界、不合格における項目別平均得点は、オープニング4.8点/5点中、医学的情報3.0点/7点中、クロージング1.1点/2点中、コミュニケーション(OARS method)7.8点/13点中、面接全体の流れ及び円滑さ1.0点/2点中であった。医学的情報とコミュニケーションの点数が不足していた。


 禁煙指導OSCEにおいて、禁煙したくない人とどのようにコミュニケーションしていくかを課題とした。今回コミュニケーション技法として、動機づけ面接を選んだのは、アドバイスを提供するということよりも聞くというスキルを重視しており、行動変容でのエビデンス5) 6)が蓄積されてきているからである。さらに最近、禁煙においてもその有用性が報告されている7) 8)


1) 酒井哲夫(翻訳)石崎武志 寺沢秀一(監修):禁煙を考えていない喫煙者のために(一度に一歩ずつ)カナダ癌学会著 しんふくい出版 2004.(自費出版)
2) Miller WR, Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing. Preparing people for change. 2nd ed. New York: Guilford Press; 2002.
3) 原井宏明 動機づけ面接とACT:MIACTing? 私はACTしてるのか? In:武藤 崇編 アクセプタンス&コミットメント・セラピーの文脈―臨床行動分析におけるマインドフルな展開― ブレーン出版; 2006. p.289-310.
4) 原井宏明 心身症の治療47. 動機づけ面接―行動変容を起こすためのコミュニケーション― 心療内科2006; 10: 403-412.
5) Rubak S, Sandbaek A, Lauritzen T, et al. Motivational interviewing: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Br J Gen Pract 2005; 55: 305-312.
6) Hettema J, Steele J, Miller WR. Motivational Interviewing. Annu Rev Clin Psychol 2005; 1: 91-111.
7) Soria R, Legido A, Escolano C, et al. A randomized controlled trial of motivational interviewing for smoking cessation. Br J Gen Pract 2006; 56: 768-774.
8) Baker A, Richmond R, Haile M, et al. A randomized controlled trial of a smoking cessation intervention among people with a psychotic disorder. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163: 1934-1942.

Motivational interviewing and OSCE in tobacco intervention

Tetsuo Sakai
University hospital of Fukui General medicine

Motivational interviewing (MI) has been found effective in communication skills for behavior change in the field of health risk behaviors such as alcoholism, tobacco use.
New tobacco intervention skill can be a tool of the treatment.
Medical residents communicate with standardized patient who don’t want to quit, at the Objective Structured Clinical Skills Examination station in tobacco intervention.
According to MI spirit and scoring of skills, we grade six levels about the interview. Only 2 out of 10 medical residents were above grade 4.
Too small part of medical residents use the skills that were involved in MI from the assecement of the OSCE.
Training in MI should be applied for medical residents.

Key word: OSCE, tobacco intervention, motivational interviewing, training


公徳会トータルヘルスクリニック 川合 厚子

1. はじめに

2. 対象と方法

3. 成績
1) 精神障害者の禁煙開始後1ヶ月、2ヶ月、3ヶ月での禁煙率はそれぞれ70.4%[男70.0%(14/20)、女71.4%(5/7)]、44.4%[男40.0%(8/20)、女57.1%(4/7)]、29.6%[男30.0%(6/20)、女28.6%(2/7)]であった(図1)。
2) 精神障害を持たない者の禁煙開始後1ヶ月、2ヶ月、3ヶ月での禁煙率はそれぞれ90.9%[男100.0%(9/9)、女50.0%(1/2)]、90.9%[男100.0%(9/9)、女50.0%(1/2)]、63.6%[男77.8%(7/9)、女0%(0/2)]であった。男においては禁煙開始後3ヶ月の禁煙率に精神障害者と非精神障害者との間でp=0.03で有意差を認めた。
3) 禁煙開始後3ヶ月における精神障害者の禁煙導入成功群と再喫煙群において年齢・1日喫煙本数・喫煙年数・初回喫煙年齢・禁煙回数・起床から最初の喫煙までの時間・TDS・ニコチンパッチ総使用量では両群間で有意差は認められなかったが、呼気中COではP=0.003で禁煙導入成功群で有意に低かった(図2)。
4) 精神障害者では自ら禁煙を希望して来る者は33.3%(9/27)と少なく、66.7%(18/27)は身体疾患で内科を受診した時に筆者の禁煙アプローチにより禁煙を決意した者であった。
5)  精神障害者のうち禁煙開始後3ヶ月における禁煙導入成功率は、自ら禁煙を希望して来た者では22.2%(2/9)、アプローチにより禁煙した者では38.9%(7/18)であった。



 自ら禁煙を希望してきたかどうかにより禁煙導入成功の有無をみたが、予想に反してアプローチにより禁煙した者の方が禁煙率が高い傾向にあった。これは自ら禁煙を希望してきた者では身体合併症が少なく あっても軽度であったのに対し、アプローチにより禁煙した者は慢性の身体合併症を持っており、しかも複数持っている者が多かったからと考えられた。合併身体疾患が多いと禁煙のモチベーションが高まるし、身体疾患時の受診により禁煙もフォローされる。当院では、5回のニコチン依存症管理料を算定する受診の他、身体疾患や基礎精神疾患の受診時にも禁煙のサポートを行っている。このこまめな頻回のサポートが禁煙継続に役立っていると感じている。オーストラリアの一般開業医向け“統合失調症患者における喫煙管理ガイドライン”でも頻回のモニター(禁煙開始後 初回は1-3日後、1ヶ月は毎週、その後6ヶ月までは毎月診察)を推奨している6)



1) Haustein, K. O., S. Haffner, et al.: A review of the pharmacological and psychopharmacological aspects of smoking and smoking cessation in psychiatric patients. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002; 40: 404-418
2) Lasser K, Boyd JW, Woolhandler S, Himmelstein DU, McCormick D, Bor DH: Smoking and mental illness: a population-based prevalence study. JAMA 2000; 284:2606.
3) Kalman D, Morrisette SB, George TP: Co-morbidity of smoking in patients with psychiatric and substance use disorders. Am J Addict 2005; 14:106.123
4) Glassman AH: Cigarette smoking: implications for psychiatric illness. Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:546.553
5) McChargue DE, Gulliver SB, Hitsman B: “Would” smokers with schizophrenia benefit from a more flexible approach to smoking treatment?" Addiction 2001; 97:785. 793
6) Strasser, K., et al., Smoking cessation in schizophrenia. General practice guidelines. Aust Fam Physician, 2002. 31(1): p. 21-4.

Short term smoking cessation treatment by insurance coverage in psychiatric patients

Atsuko Kawai
Koutokukai Total Health Clinic

Twenty-seven smoking patients with psychiatric diseases were treated to quit smoking. The quit rates in one, two, and three months after smoking cessation were 70%, 44%, and 30%, respectively. The corresponding rates for those without mental illness were 91%, 91%, and 64%, respectively. Carbon monoxide level of expired-air in a 3-month cessation group was significantly lower than those failing cessation (P =0.003). There were few psychiatric patients who hoped for smoking cessation by oneself (33%). The others decided smoking cessation when they had a check-up with internal medicine for a physical disorder, and were approached smoking cessation.

Key words: psychiatric patients, schizophrenia, nicotine dependence syndrome, health insurance, smoking cessation


Mark Gibbens

 鹿児島の佐多岬から、北海道の宗谷岬までの約3000 Kmを歩いて、このメッセージを伝えていきたいと考えています。

 あなたの国 を大事にして下さい。


 Having garaged the support vehicle at Ibaraki Hospital and been driven into central Osaka by Dr Inamoto the night before, we awoke in our home stay at the office of anti-smoking activist Dr Nogami, thankful for another rest day. Day 29 of the walk included a meeting with executive members of the Osaka Pharmacists Association, where we were given the most up to date information about their activities, including the previous months request to pharmacists nationwide, to stop selling tobacco in their pharmacies.
 Next was a meeting with the Osaka Medical Association, where despite a warm welcome by all staff members, I had the feeling that the enthusiasm and ideas for fighting the tobacco problem was less than positive.
 However our next event was far more grass roots and positive, with an assorted group of supporters following Dr Nogami and myself on a walk through the city from Umeda Station to Namba Station. This assorted group included all ages; a University law student, a wheelchair bound lady, a young man desperately trying to quit smoking and several high school students and their teachers making good news coverage for the reporters present and for our friends from ABC TV who were continuing their mini-documentary about us.
Our last event was a semi-formal evening discussion with local anti-smoking members over a bento dinner where I was able to give my thoughts on the cultural and psychological differences between Australia and Japan and the effect this has on attacking the problem of tobacco in this country. I was also able to provide some suggestions for future anti-smoking activities before the meeting broke up at 8:30pm and we returned to Dr Nogami ’s office for some sleep.
 May 12th saw an early rise at 6am to catch connecting trains and a taxi to get back to our support vehicle and then to the start point in Ibaraki to meet Tetsuya Hashimoto my walk companion for the day. He had read my story in the newspaper and wanted to help because he suffers from skin allergies related to tobacco smoke.
 Setting off at a 7km/hr pace and taking a 15 minute break halfway, we were able to arrive some 26km later at Kyoto JR train station at 12:30pm with time to spare before my introduction at the annual Nurses Day event being held in the mall beneath the station. A brief but warm reception from the nurses and audience attending the event, after which Dr Tanaka, our Kyoto event organiser drove us to his house come clinic, come clinic, come temple. Here we were introduced to Dr Kurioka our home stay host for the night.
 With him in the passenger seat and Reiko asleep in the back, I was directed first to his hospital where I made another brief anti-smoking speech to his nursing staff and then on to his condominium where he changed out of his doctor ’s coat and into a chef’s apron and cooked us a lovely, healthy Japanese meal, before we retired early.
 The next day I awoke to a canvas of grey skies and moderate but persistent rain. A hearty breakfast cooked by Iron Chef Kurioka allowed me to walk the 24km to Kusatsu in 4 hours and then return by train to Kyoto for the afternoons anti-smoking education event, thus allowing Reiko some more rest time.
 At 4pm I met up with Reiko and Dr Tanaka’s NPO group at Shijo Bridge to commence an education walk through Kyoto ’s crowded central shopping area. About 15 members attended, for this first event of its kind in Kyoto, including Dr Kato from Ehime, Dr Takahashi from Shiga, Dr Nakajima from Nara and Mr Takemoto who walked with me in Okayama. Parading through the rain soaked streets and picking up cigarette butts for an hour and a half with Dr Tanaka handing out education leaflets the event seemed to be received quite positively. To celebrate we attended a dinner at a no-smoking restaurant, “Taniguchi” near Shijo Bridge. Whilst dining on local cuisine we were able to relax and discuss events.
 At this stage, having heard stories about the discord between some anti-smoking groups, I would just like to say, whilst I am not privy to the problems which exist between you neither do I care about these petty problems.
 Your fight is with
“Big Tobacco” and trying to save the lives of those who are being destroyed everyday by this deadly product.
 Please remember,
“United you Conquer, Divided you Fall”.
 Day 32 was another rest day and good timing for my recuperating legs which continue to improve. The afternoon was devoted to business; the first of which was the opening of Dr Tanaka ’s “Tobacco-Free Museum”, at which I was given the honour of cutting the ribbon. About 20 people attended the opening and then donned gloves and tongs for a parade through the local undercover shopping arcade to pick up cigarette butts and hand out quit-smoking info-tissues.
 Thankfully for me the highlight for most people in the mall was not me but Dr Inamoto wearing a giant cigarette costume and stalking the local children. Returning to the museum for a brief concluding ceremony we were then free to view with interest the various posters, tobacco packets and displays that Doctor Tanaka has collected from all over the world for his unique museum. Having said final farewells to friends and guests, especially to the Sonos ’, Dr Inamoto and Dr Kato who had all interrupted Mother ’s Day celebrations to attend from other cities, we sat down with the Tanaka family for a shabu-shabu dinner.
 May 15th proved to be a very full day from lunch time onwards when Dr Tanaka returned from his work at the clinic, and drove us to our first meeting at the Kyoto City Hall. A genuinely impressive building with a wide public space in front, marred by the large number of smokers who congregate there, many on breaks from their civic duties. Likewise the large stone entrance is scarred by a temporary looking smoking room, from which wafted through the open door, the stench of tobacco smoke. Pity the poor non-smoking citizens who have to walk through here to do business in the city office.
 Met and guided to the office of the Director of Health by Dr Kurioka, I was immediately asked my thoughts about the state of smoking behaviour in Kyoto compared to the other cities I had already visited. My answer was to point out the window to the public space below as my first bone of contention. My further comments during the meeting were born from an increasing frustration at dealing with Japanese bureaucrats who continue to see the tobacco problem as one of good manners versus bad manners. I was tired of people skirting the issue, so I told the Director, through Reiko, in as straight forward terms as possible; “This is not a question of good manners or bad manners, it is a question of LIFE or DEATH.
” Consequently the meeting ended shortly there after, with me thinking I may have torpedoed Dr Tanaka ’s plans. However we were to learn later on the walk that the Kyoto City Office had indeed passed legislation to remove smokers from Kyoto ’s main shopping streets.
 Our next meeting at the Kyoto Prefectural Office brought immediate changes where we may have convinced them to place “quit smoking” posters and information booklets in their smoking rooms. This was unfortunately a brief meeting because we were out of time to get to Kusatsu by 3pm to resume my walk.
 Arriving in Kusatsu we met up with Dr Takahashi of Shiga Prefecture, had a brief meeting with Dr Ooi and his staff at the city office and then set off from 4pm with a couple of Dr Takahashi ’s students from Biwako Seikei Sports University. We completed the 24km to Minakuchi at my fastest pace yet, thus proving the recuperative powers of Mr Tokumaru ’s massage on my legs.
 Day 34’s walk of 49km from Minakuchi to Suzuka again saw Dr Inamoto and his brother take time off from their busy schedules to accompany me through the rain and over the beautiful mountains to Mie Prefecture. At one point we were able to escape Route 1 and its diesel belching trucks and take the ancient Tokaido Path, past plantations of tea, through woods, past waterfalls and an ancient shrine and briefly forget about the blight of industrialisation as we breathed in the fresh mountain air.
 The last day of week 5 saw me start the day in a bad mood probably due to the smoking room dominating the lobby of our business hotel but as usual something happens to put your life and your own efforts into perspective. This morning that something was someone, Mr Iwasaki, who met up with us shortly after I had started the mornings walk. His aim was to join me on my walk for a while and prepare for his own Walk Against Tobacco in some of the territory not covered by me. It wasn ’t until we started walking and talking together that I found out that he had driven six hours through the night without sleep from Toyama, just to walk with me for a while and then return six hours to commence his company night shift work. It is certainly efforts like this that both humble me and inspire me to keep walking against tobacco.
To be continued・・・






参考サイト:Walk Against Tobacco 2006 (Galleryにいろいろな写真があります)

6月7日 要請書「がん対策推進基本計画には,包括的なタバコ対策行動計画が不可欠です」を提出(内閣総理大臣、厚生労働大臣あてに提出)
6月18日 JTに対するFCTC遵守要請
6月18日 日本経済新聞社に対するFCTC遵守要請
6月18日 JTIのトルコにおけるタバコの広告、販売促進および後援活動を非難する声明(内閣総理大臣、厚生労働大臣、財務大臣、外務大臣、JT社長あてに提出)
6月18日 タバコ規制枠組み条約第21条の規定により提出された日本の条約履行状態に関する最初の報告書に対するコメント
6月29日 タバコに関する全国規制改革要望書提出(内閣府宛て)
7月2日 「特定健康診査及び特定保健指導の実施に関する基準案」への意見(禁煙支援を入れ込むべき)提出
7月13日 禁煙タクシーに関する7月12日付け毎日新聞記事に対する抗議(7月19日付で回答あり)
7月20日 参院選挙・各政党別タバコ対策公開アンケート結果
7月20日 ニコチン依存症管理料に係る禁煙成功率報告様式に関する至急の訂正要請(厚生労働大臣、社会保険庁長官宛送付)

ISSN 1882-6806

第2巻第6号 2007年8月1日

発行 特定非営利活動法人 日本禁煙学会

新宿区市谷薬王寺町30-5-201 日本禁煙学会事務局内
電話 090-4435-9673
ファックス 03-5360-6736

Copyright (C) 2007 Japan Society for Tobacco Control. All Rights Reserved.