

1. 受動喫煙は、タバコを吸わないこどもと大人の生命と健康を奪う。
2. 受動喫煙は、乳幼児突然死症候群、急性呼吸器感染症、耳の病気、重症気管支喘息のリスクを高める。親の喫煙は、こどもの呼吸器症状を増やし、肺の成長を遅らせる。
3. 大人が受動喫煙に暴露されると、ただちに心臓血管システムに悪影響があらわれる。また虚血性心疾患と肺ガンがおきやすくなる。
4. 受動喫煙に安全無害なレベルのないことが科学的に証明されている。
5. タバコ対策が相当進んだにもかかわらず、アメリカの数千万人のこどもと大人が、家庭や職場でいまだに受動喫煙にさらされている。
6. 屋内における喫煙の禁止により非喫煙者の受動喫煙暴露を完全になくすことができる。分煙、空気清浄機、エアコンディショニングによって非喫煙者の受動喫煙を防ぐことはできない。

Major Conclusions
This report returns to involuntary smoking, the topic of the 1986 Surgeon General’s report. Since then ,there have been many advances in the research on secondhand smoke, and substantial evidence has been reported over the ensuing 20 years. This report uses the revised language for causal conclusions that was implemented in the 2004 Surgeon General’s report (USDHHS 2004). Each chapter provides a comprehensive review of the evidence, a quantitative synthesis of the evidence if appropriate, and a rigorous assessment of sources of bias that may affect interpretations of the findings. The reviews in this report reaffirm and strengthen the findings of the 1986 report. With regard to the involuntary exposure of nonsmokers to tobacco smoke, the scientific evidence now supports the following major conclusions:
1. Secondhand smoke causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke.
2. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems, and more severe asthma. Smoking by parents causes respiratory symptoms and slows lung growth in their children.
3. Exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and causes coronary heart disease and lung cancer.
4. The scientific evidence indicates that there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
5. Many millions of Americans, both children and adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes and workplaces despite substantial progress in tobacco control.
6. Eliminating smoking in indoor spaces fully protects nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand smoke. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot eliminate exposures of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke.